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Beware Of Fake Agent Reviews

RateMyAgent are the inside joke of the Real Estate industry. Quickly becoming know as FAKE-MY-AGENT.

Don’t be fooled. There is a safer way to sell your home.

Our goal is to find you the best possible agent to sell your home.
We have designed 8 SELLER PROTECTION POINTS that your agent is ‘held’ to and we charge you nothing for our support.

What To Watch Out For

Unhappy sellers are banned from leaving reviews on these agent rating sites. In fact, sellers who fail to sell are NOT allowed to leave reviews. These are the stories you need to know about an agent.

Unhappy Sellers Banned

Unhappy sellers are banned from leaving reviews on these agent rating sites. In fact, sellers who fail to sell are NOT allowed to leave reviews. These are the stories you need to know about an agent.
As the saying goes 'he who pays the piper, calls the tune'. How can these agent rating sites possibly be trusted when the agents keep them in business, instead of the sellers?

Agents Pay To Be On Rating Sites

As the saying goes ‘he who pays the piper, calls the tune’. How can these agent rating sites possibly be trusted when the agents keep them in business, instead of the sellers?
According to Roy Morgan, 95% of the public don't trust agents. Yet on these rating sites, 95% of agents seem trusted by 100% of the public. The only answer that these reviews are FAKE.

It Doesn't Make Sense

According to Roy Morgan, 95% of the public don’t trust agents. Yet on these rating sites, 95% of agents seem trusted by 100% of the public. The only answer that these reviews are FAKE.

How Jenman Support Is Different

Who are we?

The Best Agents

To qualify as “best agent”, agents must agree to our ‘8 Seller Protection Points’. These points protect you and help you get a sure sale at the highest price.
What do we do?

Nothing To Pay Us. Nothing To Sign With Us

Remember when you trusted a handshake? Remember when happy customers were paramount? We will never ask you for money. We never ask you to sign anything. No obligation, you can leave us at any time.
Why do we do this?

No Risk For Sellers

We protect sellers from the usual risks, such as paying thousands of dollars for no sale. All risk is passed back to the agents, not you. That’s why we call them the “best agents”.

What You Gain by Selling Your Home
with the Help of Jenman Support

Features Selling with Jenman Support Selling with Just the Agent With Agent Referral Groups
No “locked-in” contracts ✔️
You can fire the agent at any time ✔️
Guaranteed to pay nothing until happily sold ✔️
Risk-free selling ✔️
Guaranteed to get the best possible agent ✔️
Free support at all stages ✔️
Control over the entire selling process ✔️
Personal contact with Neil Jenman or a skilled supporter ✔️
Your interests are priority, especially the highest price ✔️
Free help to buy another property ✔️
With vs Without Jenman support (10)

Real Reviews From Real Sellers

Our 3 guarantees

We will never ask you to sign anything

We will never ask you for money

We will always work for your best interest

Our 8 protection terms

We hold agents to 8 protection terms designed to protect and benefit you!

You cannot get these 8 protection terms anywhere else – ONLY at Jenman Support.

Selling with Jenman Support

When you ask for our support, we discuss your needs.
If you wish, you can speak with one of our senior supporters led by Neil Jenman.
With your permission, we give you details of agents we believe are best for you.
Unlike some companies, you will not be pestered by agents. You control the process.
One agent at a time.
If you don’t like the first agent, we find another agent. Until you are happy.


WARNING: It’s better to take 2-3 weeks to find the right agent
than be stuck for 3-4 months with the wrong agent.


Once you choose an agent, our support continues. Right through until you’re happily sold.

Any problems with the agent? Contact us.
Agent wants you to drop your price? No way, contact us first.
Agent’s commission too high? Let us know what you feel is fair.
Buyers making low offers? Contact us. Agents can use our negotiation skills.
Buying another home? Let us know and we will help you FREE of charge.

Once your home is sold, the agent pays us a small fee for our support. This fee is not passed on to you. This is how we fund our support service for you.

Aus Map with People

We help across ALL of Australia!

You Are In Control
Unlike most sellers where the agent has them ‘locked up’ and ‘stressed out’, you are in charge at all times. If the agent lets you down, you can let the agent go and find another agent.


Best Price
The best agent is the one who gets you the best price. We make sure the agent does not use methods that commonly get lower prices. You’ll be amazed and delighted when you discover how we do this.

Support And Protection
Your best interests are our top priority. We will never waiver from this commitment and we will fight hard at all times to secure you the best possible outcome.


Low Or No Costs
These days there are so many hidden extras. Sellers can soon find themselves thousands of dollars out-of-pocket and no better off. Unless a cost can be traced back to a direct benefit for you, we will suggest you don’t allow it.

Free Books To Subscribers and Genuine Home-Sellers

Free Real Estate information and booklets to genuine Home-Sellers or subscribers that can help you - whether you're selling, buying or investing.
Click on the links below and fill out the form or Contact us on 1800 1800 18 to get your free copy!