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Real Estate Videos Tips and tricks about the real estate industry, agents and how to protect yourself

The 42 Rules of Real Estate Negotiation

The 42 Rules of Real Estate Negotiation

How do you know if your agent is a good negotiator?
Many agents have never read a single book on negotiation – and yet they make their living out of selling and negotiating!
With these tools, you will ensure that you can get the best possible price for your home.
Call us on 1800 1800 18 or contact us here.

BHP - The Buyers Highest Price

BHP - The Buyers Highest Price

You’ve all heard of the mining giant called BHP.
In real estate, however, BHP has a different meaning.
It stands for the Buyers Highest Price. This is the highest price that the buyers are willing to pay.
Learn how to get the BHP for your home.
Call us on 1800 1800 18 or contact us here.

If Only You Knew...

If Only You Knew...

…what most agents say behind your back, you would never go near them again.
What will they take… How low will they go…?
Learn how to protect yourself as a seller.
Watch the video.
And contact us here or call 1800 1800 18

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