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  1. Alis
    March 11, 2020 @ 11:10 am

    As always a great pleasure to read and better understanding of Real Estate’s potholes that are now in plague proportions.

    One has a feeling that the Real Estate shamanism has reached an apex where the industry itself has gone rogue.

    No matter what the outcome of our current sales we are indebted to the insights provided with no strings attached. Thank you.


  2. Phil Smith
    March 11, 2020 @ 1:23 pm

    How do you actually make your money Neil? Who pays you and for what?


    • Phill
      March 11, 2020 @ 4:06 pm

      Hi Phil, you can find all your answers on our website https://jenman.com.au/about-us/ Our website is transparent and available to all.


  3. Peter Cooper
    March 11, 2020 @ 1:37 pm

    18 months ago we were trying to sell a property through a real estate company and after 6 months on the books we had not had one offer and only had 3 people through the property. We decided that the agency was not really interested when the person handling our property had to go away for a weekend for family reasons and the agency [of 5 “Agents”] could not run an open house at our property. They only had 3 others on that day. We changed agents rapidly and used a person that had 6 people through on the first weekend in the same area and sold the property within 24 hours for $35,000 more than we were originally prepared to accept. This was a real agent that worked for the client not himself. So they are there if you go out and look. After the sale we have not stayed in touch but he still takes the time to remember my name when we bump into each other at business functions in the town. You Mr Jenman are an inspiration and some agents do actually follow your ethics in this highly suspect industry. They are the ones that continue to grow while the rest wither and die on the vine as it were.


  4. Dijana
    March 11, 2020 @ 2:21 pm

    Its hard to write about credibility and not be judged yourself. You have done a good job of this article. I thank you as I have been burned and learned but thankfully got my money back but not before lots of anxiety and pressure on my part first. I agree with your recommendations completely.

    You have taught me a lot over the years and my transactions have been for the better because of them. Warmly


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