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  1. Judy Hall
    March 27, 2024 @ 10:23 am

    Just thought I would comment on how much I have enjoyed reading your informative emails. Have learnt so much. Not ready to sell my home yet but when the time comes will be more confident.
    Thankyou keep those emails coming.


  2. Geoff BAKER
    March 31, 2024 @ 4:55 pm

    Hello Neil,

    This time, I fully-agree with your article. If that happened to me in any restaurant, I would do precisely what you did … and my lovely wife (polite and reserved Japanese lady) would react just like your wife did.

    Vendors paying advertising costs is clearly a rip-off … and says more about dodgy agents with poor to zero negotiating skills than anything else. Some of it is spent on massive boards – with their face all over it!

    FYI, I offer my buyer two (2) options to engage me to buy property on their behalf.

    1. *An hourly rate + GST + a percentage of the sale price at settlement. I provide a comprehensive and ongoing accounting of the work I have undertaken and a status report + an invoice (payment due 7 days). Most professionals charge-out this way for their time.

    2. *A Retainer of $3500 + GST + a percentage of the sale price at settlement.

    *Either initial payment is retained by me should a sale not eventuate … but is FULLY REFUNDED to the buyer (from the settlement commission) if the property is purchased.

    Once an agreement to proceed is agreed, the client chooses the option that suits them best.
    I believe option 1. is fairer … and provides equal protection for BOTH parties (and it is my preferred option).



  3. David Hall
    April 2, 2024 @ 10:04 am

    Quality advice.
    In supermarkets we studiously pour over labels on products before we choose the item we want, and then pay (happily or not) the insignificant cost. However, in real estate we sign detailed contract documents happily, generally with only a cursory read, before we choose the agent we “want”, and then pay very significant costs. The irony of it all!
    Wake up Aussies, listen and act courageously against agents. The parties need a good, shared working relationship.
    Keep up the excellent work, Neil and party.


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