Sell Your Home at the Highest Price. Guaranteed!
We search to find the best agent to sell your
home for the *BEST PRICE without needless costs.
We will help you sell your home for thousands of dollars more – at no extra cost to you!
What we do.
We are a FREE service with one purpose in mind. To ensure that you, the home seller, can get the highest price for your home. We also make sure that you don’t experience the fear, stress, and dread that can appear when selling your home.
Who we are.
Jenman Support has been running since 2006, originally under the name “Real Estate Monitors and Referrals”. It has just recently changed to re-align with our goal; to get home sellers the highest price for their home. It has also had a recent addition to the team, Neil himself, as he decided to focus on the business and do what he loves; help consumers. If you are in desperate need of Neil’s assistance, he would like to speak with you.
How we help you.
Here are some of the many ways we can help you:
- We can show you how to identify the best agents in your area… BEFORE you even meet them! If we don’t already have the right agent in your area, we can call offices for you. The first question we ask the receptionist (they always know more than they are credited) is:
“Who’s the best agent in your office?”
- Better yet, we can interview the agents before you meet them. You won’t be “shopped around” among agents so we get paid no matter what. No way.
- We can control the agents, so the agents don’t control you! Before you choose our recommended agent, the agent must agree to abide by our conditions that protect you!
- We can manage and monitor your agent to make sure they negotiate the highest price for you. In 30+ years, Neil has taught thousands of agents. Even his worst critics acknowledge that the “Jenman training is the best in the real estate industry”.
There are many “real estate support services”. However, their “support” consists of giving your private information to all the agents in your area – and then it’s survival of the fittest who can “sign you up first”. The services don’t mind, because in the end they will still get paid their referral commission from the agent.
Many of the other “support services” are faceless. There is no leading person or party. Unlike other support services, we have a “face” to the business, along with 40 years of real estate experience behind him.
Seller Testimonials.
We have thousands of glowing testimonials from all the sellers and buyers we’ve had over the years – we believe more than any other support service.
Agent Testimonials
We even have testimonials from AGENTS we have supported in the past, all who say they couldn’t have done the job without us.
When you sell your home with the help of Jenman Support, we guarantee that we will fight for you to have all your rights, including, a guarantee that you get the highest possible price.
Almost all support services will say they will help you get the “best price” or the “highest price” (same thing), but how many guarantee it? To our knowledge, none. They guarantee getting bombarded with calls from scores of agents, all trying to win your business.
So here is our written guarantee which we offer to all honest home sellers…
“When you sell your home with a Jenman approved agent, or with the help of Jenman support, we guarantee to show you and/or your agent how to get the highest possible price for your home. If not, you have the right to choose to pay zero commission to the agent.”*
If you would like the “support of Jenman Support” to help you sell your home at the highest price and get you happily moved – fill in the contact form below and we will get in touch. On the first page, highlight your situation and what service you need, and click next. Then fill in your details, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
If you would like to call us directly, click the “call now” button.
*Obviously, for this Guarantee to be valid, you and your agent MUST follow our advice. But, of course, why wouldn’t you? ?