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  1. Rod
    April 26, 2020 @ 8:58 am

    Hi Niel
    We have listed our property on market in February, and have had 2 inspections and about four phone calls from my agent in this time. I have also paid very high fees already from my position it looks like the agent is waiting for buyer to approach them only, I really don’t have much confidence in them I’m the one with all the outlay to promote this agent with large adds. I feel I need to send them a letter highlighting these issues but doing subtley as I’m committed to selling.
    Wondering your thoughts
    I feel the agent is given a huge opportunity to receive high commission and basically no downside for them.


  2. Brian Barlow
    April 26, 2020 @ 4:39 pm

    Wow, what a great article. We are currently attempting to sell our home in the Wollongong Area (NSW) and frankly our agent is a shocker. Blames COVID 19, ues “bait pricing” (priced from $760 – we were promised it would sell at $820, and you guessed it two offers &750, & $760) , does not open on weekends and after 45 days on the market, he has manages only 22 inspections, – 10-15 od day 1, 4 on day 2, 2 on the following week, ) the next open day, and one other on a mid week call. Exclusive Agency Agreement ans we can’t drop this lazy agent for another 4 weeks but then he still has a”Non Exclusive Agent” period for another month.
    I had lost ALL faith in real estate agents , until I read this, but it is nice to know some do exist , all be it too far away. – Good Luck.


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