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  1. Lesley Ellis
    May 16, 2024 @ 1:56 pm

    Thank you once again Neil for your sound and solid advice…it is amazing how many people can get swept up in the real estate selling process and get clobbered … so “seller or buyer beware” as they say…

    Kind Regards
    Lesley Ellis


  2. Graeme Morris
    May 16, 2024 @ 1:57 pm

    Just to update you about my property in Bahrs Scrub, Queensland, I have engaged Mark Lewis from Bernats Lewis and he has agreed to market it with Jenman support. We are now asking $2million so the many hurdles I faced with the previous agents may have been a blessing in disguise! Mark is expecting an inspection next week. I had an agent from Ray White contact me after the listing and after a discussion, she agreed that my price is quite realistic at this time and thinks the property should sell quickly. You will of course find out through Mark. Thanks for your positive input Neil and all the best with your health. Graeme.


  3. David Van Barneveld
    May 16, 2024 @ 4:29 pm

    Thank you for posting on a regular basis some extremely well written information that in my opinion is ABSOLUTE GOLD to any reader who needs this advice. Much appreciated.


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