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  1. M Powell
    October 27, 2020 @ 10:46 am

    Hi Neil
    I’m in NZ and love your articles.
    I have used your advice on a number of occasions. Once a few years back I interviewed 5 agents and after they conditioned me to the 10% higher price they could get over my own valuation, I offered them increased commission to achieve this or zero commission if they didn’t achieve their price.
    4 walked, one considered it but ultimately declined and offered me a job ( which I declined) and we sold privately…….

    I was just wondering. Do you even have to have a contract before an agent will get involved.
    Its a risk on their part but can you just say, agree verbally but non binding to an acceptable commission etc, say bring me an offer and we will discuss terms and contracts if we decide to accept? Of course they can keep their clients details so we cant bypass them and go direct.
    That makes more sense for me, maybe not for the agent.
    That way you are not a controlled listing until an offer is on the table?
    New Zealand


  2. graham barton
    October 27, 2020 @ 1:09 pm

    l love your articles Neil many thanks


  3. Sacko Kulelija
    October 28, 2020 @ 5:33 pm

    I read the Sales Inspection Report and Exclusive Agency Agreement and didn’t find the word CAVEAT. Where could I find it? Please help me!


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