by Neil Jenman
If you are selling your home in 2022, this is a brief article you must read. It will likely add tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands of dollars to the sale price of your home.
Please forgive me if this sounds like a promotion. It is. I don’t know how else to tell today’s home-sellers how to get a better price than by explaining how important it is to get the right support. And that means the best support.
In 2022, if you are selling a home, I’d like to offer you what I – and many people I support – believe is the best real estate support in Australia. The service and support of Jenman Support.
Below are the words of a lady who sold her home in a coastal area during the Christmas – New Year period. Her story is a classic example of how sellers can be certain of getting a great price in these uncertain times – with great support.
Her brief account of what happened over the holidays is exactly what we strive to create for all our supported sellers – a phenomenal result.
“Before I met Neil Jenman, the best offer I got for my home was from my local agent. It was $310,000. I refused it, but I lost the money the agent persuaded me to pay for advertising.
Neil found a ‘foreign agent’ (from another area), one with zero prejudices on price or location. And one who guaranteed that I would have no costs unless I sold for a great price. That’s the sort of agent I wanted.
As soon as my home was listed, the offers started to pour in (from buyers outside my area). They started going up – and up – and up. When they hit $430,000, I was ready to say yes.
Neil urged me to hang on. Not yet, not yet, he kept saying.
Then the offers hit $450,000.
Still Neil told me to wait.
And then he asked the agent if there was any chance of me getting $500,000.
The agent said that would be ‘pushing it.’
Neil told him to push it. I loved seeing him in action, fighting on my behalf.
Next thing the offers burst past $500,000.
Finally, the buyer with the highest offer told the agent they were prepared to pay $550,500.
I could barely believe it. I thought I was dreaming.
It was the best day of my life.
And it was all due to the personal efforts of Neil Jenman. Even the agent admitted that without Neil’s wonderful support and ideas, he could not have got me such a great price.
Remember the local price from the local agent was $310,000 not long before it sold with the agent Neil found and with Neil’s support for $550,500, an extra $240,500.
That’s a lot of money for a woman on her own. It would take around four years to earn such an amount in wages for me.”
Many sellers have similar stories after they have had the right support. The support that comes from Jenman Support.
And to make one thing clear – the buyers were not over-charged. Before we supported her, this lady was about to do what most sellers do – short-sell her home.
In 2022, the biggest problem for all home sellers will be the same as it’s always been – how to avoid short-selling their homes.
The main reason most homes are short-sold is because most agents either don’t know how to sell homes for the best price or they don’t care about getting the best price. Any price as long as they get a good commission, that’s the common real estate agency thinking.
One point that all sellers should understand is this: Most times, when selling a home, the seller and the real estate agent have different agendas.
The sellers’ agenda is to sell their home for the best possible price.
The agents’ agenda is to sell the home. At any price.
And therein lies the problem and the reason most (about 90 per cent) of homes sold in Australia are short-sold: Most agents are not doing the best for their sellers – especially during a boom when sellers don’t realise that the high price they get offered is low compared to what they could have been offered.
Or, with the right support, what they would have been offered.
Most agents will disagree that most homes are short-sold. Of course. They don’t want their incompetence on display. They don’t want sellers to know that their commission is the second biggest cost of selling a home.
The biggest cost is the amount by which a home is short-sold.
At Jenman Support, we are constantly helping home-sellers get better prices. And it’s not just sellers we support, it’s also agents, especially those who genuinely want the best result for their sellers and are not too proud (or too ego-driven, like most agents) to seek our help in doing so.
If you’re selling in 2022, here are the many ways that Jenman Support can help you:
We strive to find the best agent to sell your home – and sometimes, as in the above example, this can mean an agent outside your area. The difference can be spectacular.
Last year, we met some sellers who’d had been on the market for a year. Again, with a local agent. Their home was priced at “$1.6 million to $1.8 million”. Looking at it (as an outsider), you’d think it was worth well over $2 million. But the local agents all said: “Nothing in this area has sold above $2 million.” Such narrow negative thinking rarely gets a positive result. As Henry Ford once said: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”
Here’s something all sellers need to know: You can’t get a great price for your home unless both you and the agent believe you can get a great price.
And so, we decided to support these sellers. The first thing we recommended was that they increase the price. Yes, that’s right, put it up. To $2.8 million.
Last week, they rejected an offer of $2.4 million! So, nothing in that area sells above $2 million, eh? What an incompetent and negligent attitude. Yet such a common attitude and so costly for so many home-sellers.
If you know what you are doing – and you find the right agent, you can often get hundreds of thousands of dollars more for your home.
So, that’s the first way we support sellers – by helping them find an agent who really is a good agent, not ones who merely claim to be good, as they all do. We know how to grill agents to find the good ones. And, once we find them, we keep them, always hoping they’ll repeat their great performances as we send them more home-sellers.
But we don’t always get it right. If an agent turns out to be no good or goes bad (to the “dark side” as it’s called), we support sellers with a rare benefit not available to most sellers – the right to instantly sack the agent (with no costs or penalties) and find a better agent.
We insist that any agent who lists any home where sellers are supported by Jenman Support must give the sellers EIGHT PROTECTION POINTS which make sure the sellers cannot get ripped-off such as with typical VPA (Vendor Pays Advertising) scams.
Here’s our message to all home-sellers: All agents ask sellers to sign a “listing agreement” which is filled with benefits (and protection) for the agent.
Truth is, it’s a nasty legal contract with many horrible clauses in the fine print.
But, when you have our support, we make sure the agent agrees to those eight major points that protect you from being over-charged and under-sold. This is why many sellers seek our support. They won’t list with an agent without the protection we negotiate for them.
In 2016, I released a booklet for agents, 42 Rules of Modern Real Estate Negotiation. Each of these rules can help sellers get a better price. We do our best to ensure that the agent who looks after our sellers follows these rules. Many times, we coach agents on these rules. And this, of course, leads to a much better price for our supported sellers. If you would like a copy of the 42 Rules, please click here.
Our support team are proud of our three main commitments to home-sellers.
First, we never ask you for any money. Our service is free for you.
Second, we never ask you to sign anything. We work on trust and the handshake principle. There are no contracts, and you can stop using our support any time you wish.
And third, we fight hard to protect your interests. It doesn’t matter if we have known an agent for years or hours, you, the sellers always come first.
In these unique times, there is not much to be sure about, especially in the real estate market.
Except one thing.
You can be sure that if you enlist Jenman Support to help you with the sale of your home, you will have a team of people dedicated to achieving your agenda – the best price. And the lowest costs. Indeed, no costs until you are happily sold.
Your well-being is our permanent priority.
So, before you call any agents in 2022, please call us on 1800 1800 18.
Or email us on
Having the right support on your side is the best way to get the best result in 2022.
We will be honoured to give you the support you need.
That’s our firm promise.
Thank you for reading this article.
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PLEASE NOTE: Our focus is on helping consumers. Abuse from agents on our website or Facebook page will be deleted, ignored or well publicised – it depends on our mood.
But one thing will never vary: We will never stop doing what we love most – helping polite and honest consumers get the best deal possible in real estate. And, of course, if any agents are serious about taking care of consumers, we’ll help you too. Thank you.