In almost every industry, be it products or services, consumers receive a guarantee.
Except real estate. Which, to most people, involves the biggest financial transaction in life.
You get a guarantee when you buy a toaster, but, most times, when you sell your home you get no guarantees.
For decades, consumers have been entitled to 8 BASIC RIGHTS, all of which are partially or completely denied to you when you sell or buy real estate. And, perhaps the most important of these rights, is the “right to redress”; in other words, a GUARANTEE.
Extensive research conducted by Neil Jenman – and provided in writing to one of the states Fair Trading Departments when they queried one of our agents following complaints from other agents – shows that approximately…
It’s as if they move out and leave a suitcase of cash in their lounge room.
Please, don’t let this happen to you and your family.
You worked too hard to buy and pay-off your home to under-sell it when you leave.
We will make sure you genuinely get the highest price!
When you sell your home with a Jenman Approved agent or the assistance of Jenman Support, we guarantee you that we will fight for you to have all your rights, including, of course, a guarantee that you get the highest possible price.
Almost all agents tell you they will get you the “best price” or the “highest price” (same thing), but how many guarantee it? To our knowledge, none. Just think how incredible that is, every agent promising something, but none guarantee it.
So, here is our written guarantee which we offer to all honest home-sellers…
Yes, unless we prove to you, without doubt, how you or your agent can be sure the buyers for your home pay the highest price, your home will be sold FREE!
NB: Obviously, for this Guarantee to be valid, you and your agent MUST follow our advice. But, of course, why wouldn’t you? ?
Further reading:
Selling? How Minutes Mean Money
If one small quote got you interested, imagine what else we can tell you!
Please BE CAREFUL. The saddest quotes are sellers and buyers who say,
“We wish we had contacted you BEFORE we bought and sold.” ☹
Well, now’s your chance. Take it. Free and no obligation.
If you’re thinking of selling or buying, now or in the future. Neil Jenman and his team at Jenman Support can help you.
The right knowledge is so important. Ignore slick real estate lines. Discover what most agents never tell you. We arm you with information (literally “inside secrets”) most agents don’t want you to know.
Below you’ll see material and suggestions to get you started on discovering how you can easily SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS when selling or buying property.
You work hard to buy and pay-off property. Do a little bit of work to discover the right knowledge. For your sake, for your family’s sake and for your future.
It will be our pleasure to help you and save you from wasting or missing out on thousands of dollars (often hundreds of thousands!).
CHECK US OUT. Millions of Australians are discovering Neil Jenman’s knowledge – be it in books, articles or hearing him speak, either in conference or person. You’ll find more happy real estate customers listed here than anywhere in Australia!
We can SUPPORT you, all the way, from choosing an agent to when your removalist comes!
You get an unprecedented level of TOTAL SUPPORT. All FREE.
You have us beside you all the way – from finding and choosing an agent to assisting you and your agent with negotiations and helpful advice, right up until your removalist comes.
No one else offers you the level of TOTAL SUPPORT you can have with us. And it’s all FREE.
Australia’s trusted consumer crusader, Neil Jenman backed by a team of skilled supporters & thousands of happy home sellers, buyers or investors.
Neil Jenman and his wife Reiden Jenman head up a support team that offers FREE help to home sellers, buyers and investors.
Unlike ‘faceless’ companies on the internet today, we are proud to tell you about ourselves.
In one word, NOTHING for you, the home sellers.
We are proud that we are able to fund our consumer work without charging consumers. Our support service, therefore, is totally FREE to sellers and buyers.
When you use Jenman Support to help you find and support an agent, the selected agent pays us a support fee from the agent’s standard fee for the sale of your property. One of our many happy sellers said it beautifully when she said: “Oh, I get it – the agents pay you to protect us from them. Wonderful!”
If you are a consumer, we hope you now understand how much we care about you and how committed we are about protecting your financial position when it comes to the price for your property. Please do us one small favour in return – care about us.
Here’s what we mean: Obviously, we need to pay our staff and our operating costs. The only reason we can offer this free service to you, as a consumer, is when you tell the agents that you want our support. You want us involved in your sale. If you go directly to the agent, we may get nothing, no matter how much work we have done for you or how much we have helped or saved you. So, please, just as we help you for nothing, it costs you nothing to give us your support in return and appreciation. To ensure that we can fund our free work for consumers, we suggest you say something such as this to the agent:
“We have been speaking with Jenman Support and they have offered to help us at no charge when we are selling. We have accepted accept their offer. So, if you wish to help us, we insist that Jenman must be involved. Please speak with Neil or one of his colleagues from now on about the sale of our home.”
Helping sellers and buyers is what we love. So often, we are told: “You are the only ones who truly put our interests first.”
Or as one medical practitioner texted Neil Jenman recently:
“I cannot believe how you have always got my back! Thank you.”
Your appreciation is our greatest ‘payment’. Hence the reason the word ‘trust’ appears in our purpose
COVID – 19 (Coronavirus)
Information for our Real Estate Customers
The world is currently in the grip of what the World Health Organisation (WHO) has classed as a ‘Pandemic’ regarding the virus known as COVID – 19 (aka “CORONAVIRUS).
Each day seems to bring more bad news. Understandably, bad news leads to more fear and worry in our community.
Our hearts go out to those who are sick, and we offer our deepest condolences to the thousands of families losing loved ones.
In addition, we feel enormous sympathy for all businesses and workers whose livelihoods are being hurt. Plus, of course, the millions of people – in Australia and around the world – whose savings and investments are currently being negatively impacted in the stock markets.
In the real estate market, while there is a slowing of activity and many home sellers and buyers are putting their real estate decisions ‘on hold’, there has, yet, been no major fall in property prices.
At Jenman Support, our service mostly involves supporting home sellers in the following ways:
As more than 80% of our business at Jenman Support does not involve personally meeting our customers, the current pandemic means that fortunately, for us, we can continue to offer our services with minimal disruption to our on-line, email and telephone support.
At our office, our supervisor is monitoring the situation and following the advice of trusted health authorities. Also, we have implemented a number of safety precautions to protect our dedicated staff members, some of whom are being given the option to work from their homes and all of whom are being asked to stay home if they feel unwell.
Insofar, as advice to agents is concerned, we have prepared written guidelines for how we feel agents can continue to trade during the coronavirus crisis with maximum safety for their clients and staff and minimal disruption to their businesses. If any agent is interested in our guidelines, please email us at support@jenman.com.au or see a sample from Monday March 23, 2020 at the website of one of our Jenman Approved offices, Hampton Peters in Burnie – www.hamptonpeters.com.au. This offer is available to any agent – at no charge. When it comes to public safety, we believe we should put aside our differences with many agents.
Our business is real estate and while we believe we offer the best advice in the world for those selling or buying a home, we are not medical experts, economists or financial planners.
Our collective experience with life, however, together with our knowledge of history, does cause us to believe this crisis will end, hopefully sooner rather than later and therefore those businesses or workers that have suffered will soon be prosperous again.
As for the financial markets, we turn to the opinion of experts we trust such as Australia’s most respected financial commentator Paul Clitheroe who, on March 17, 2020, strongly advised share investors not to panic, adding that “the best course of action is no action.” He also made this strong comment: “Selling everything in a falling market is absolute madness.” Those who followed Paul Clitheroe’s advice around the time of the last severe downturn in the share market would not only have been safe, they would have made excellent profits – in the long term, which is how many of the most reputable experts believe investing should be viewed – not by what happens in a few days or few weeks, but over a period of years.
Of course, if you are hurting now, it may be small comfort to be told you need to wait “years” for things to improve. Maybe it won’t be years, maybe it will be months. No one knows for sure. But we sincerely hope that whatever difficulties you are experiencing now will be over soon.
If you think we can help, please contact us.
The only thing we know, for sure, is this: If you need excellent real estate support, you can always email Jenman Support on support@jenman.com.au or call 1800 1800 18.
Our very best wishes to you and yours from Neil Jenman and all of us at Jenman Support. We urge you to make your health and safety your primary concern but not to panic or worry needlessly.
Thank you
Neil Jenman
You gain EIGHT huge advantages by having our support:
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
When it comes to selling your home, knowledge truly is power. The more time you take to research different selling methods and learn the main points of selling, the better off you will be.
To begin, we recommend our report – The 18 WORST MISTAKES OF HOME SELLERS and the solutions. Please click here to download this report now.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
In most cases, yes, Neil will be delighted to speak with you.
Neil is available to speak with all real estate consumers by appointment – at a time to suit you and Neil.
To request a call with Neil, by phone or video, please email Alec Jenman on alec@jenman.com.au
When we support a seller to sell with an agent, the agent pays us a support fee, usually a small percentage of the sale price (apx 0.627%). This fee is not passed on to the sellers. It is paid by the agent.
There is no extra charge to the home sellers. It costs sellers nothing to have our support.
We also earn income from the sale of our books and material.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
We support property sellers from the time they first think of selling to the time they are sold at a price that makes them happy.
We find the best agent in each area – the one that agrees to our seller protection terms.
We do not send sellers to the first agent who offers to pay us, nor do we send sellers to all agents in the area and accept payment from the one who signs-up the sellers.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
No, not at all. While a Jenman Approved agent will usually be our first choice, we are obsessed about finding the agent that is best for the home seller.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
Simple, we find you another agent.
Usually, we suggest you interview at least three agents before you choose one to sell your property.
If you sign-up with an agent and you later find that the agent does not meet your expectations, then, under our agreement with the agent, you can dismiss the agent and find another agent.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
The entire country of Australia.
If we do not know an agent who will agree to our seller protection terms in your area, we will contact agents until we find one that is suitable.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
There are no extra costs when you use Jenman Support.
Our service is effectively FREE as agents pay us.
These days, most agents expect sellers to pay all sorts of costs in advance of their properties being sold. We are firmly opposed to these costs as they are all mostly unnecessary.
We believe sellers should never pay anything until their properties are sold and they are happy with the price and the service they have received. If not, they pay nothing.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
We will still help you. We don’t just say that “your interests come first”, we mean it.
Our attitude is to help you regardless of whether we are paid or not.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
The agent is giving you the wrong advice.
Every week, hundreds of homes are SHORT-SOLD at auctions, sometimes by hundreds of thousands of dollars each.
Find a better agent. Call us on 1800 1800 18.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
Easy, just tell the agent you have decided to cancel.
It’s your home, you are the boss. The agent must follow your instructions.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
There are many but the worst is SELLING TOO LOW which is almost certain.
Oh sure, agents will tell you fairy-tale stories of how they sold homes at auctions for huge prices.
What you need is the HIGHEST price which is near impossible to achieve at an auction.
Research clearly shows that most homes sold at auction are under-sold.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.
We are always searching for the best agents.
Our three main requirements are:
a) Your negotiating skills can get the BEST PRICE for the sellers
b) You offer NO RISK OF LOSS if the property does not sell
c) The sellers have a SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. If you do not please them, they can sack you.
For a full list of our conditions, please contact us on 1800 1800 18.
If you’d like to know more, please contact Michael Kies
Of course. Unlike the mainstream real estate industry, we are fanatical about the veracity of information we provide to the public.
Sometimes, for the sake of privacy (or when instructed to do so), we use pseudonyms or disguise prices and locations – but, yes, the essence of every story is true.
For example: If Mr and Mrs Jones sold their home in Essendon for $800,000 and the agent ripped them off by $100,000, we may refer to them as Mr and Mrs Smith from Burwood and slightly disguise the price as sold for $810,000, but still lost $100,000.
So, the essence is always correct. Sellers got hurt and sellers lost.
Most loses would never happen if the sellers called us before they called agents.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us.