How to quickly discover the truth
by Neil Jenman
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If you look back on your life, you may find that your biggest mistakes happened when you ignored your feelings.
In my life, I have learned more from literature than self-help books. I often think of Conan Doyle’s detective, Sherlock Holmes who said: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
But it takes enormous courage to face the truth at times.
Yet, when it comes to the sale of your home, what’s more important: Getting the best result or getting along with your agent?
Well, if you are a home seller, here’s how to discover the truth about what your agent is saying about you and your home – not what the agent tells you is being said.
It’s called Mystery Shopping. It’s so important that every home seller should be encouraged to do it especially if you doubt your agent.
It is amazing what you discover if you mystery shop an agent.
If you are selling your home, there are two instances when you must mystery shop an agent. First, if nothing is happening. No sales, no offers. Nothing. Just silence. You need to know what’s really going on. Mystery shopping can reveal the truth.
Second, if you are getting insultingly low offers.
Please realise something. In many cases, when buyers offer low amounts for a property, they are offering what agents suggest.
If you catch your agent lying, you should sack that agent. As the saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on thee. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
Mystery shopping is the best way to discover the truth.
Mystery shopping enables you to catch agents who are betraying you, their sellers, the ones expected to pay a big commission when your property sells. If it sells.
The message for all sellers is clear: If your home is not selling or if you are getting low offers, you must discover the reason. Sure, the agent will fall back on that same line that most agents use: “Your price is too high”.
Price is not the only reason homes fail to sell. In many cases, it’s not that prices are too high, lies were too high. Or the agent’s effort is too low. And not by doing more advertising, at your expense. That’s the lazy way. You need an agent prepared to do more work, especially if your property is priced right.
And that meets chasing up prospective buyers. And talking enthusiastically about a home. Is your agent doing that?
Never be afraid to check up on an agent by mystery shopping. Or ask us to help you do it.
It’s your house, your wealth, you have a duty to yourself and your family to do what is best for you if you suspect your agent is being less than straight with you.
Mystery shop your agent. Always. You’ll be so glad you did.
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