Public Apology About Henry Kaye
By Neil Jenman
This is a public apology about Henry Kaye of the National Investment Institute.
This year I have written and said many things about Kaye, his associates, his companies and his business methods.
I have referred to Henry Kaye as “Henry the Ripper”, a con man, a corporate psychopath and a person who lies and cheats.
I have spoken to thousands of consumers at free seminars across Australia. At these seminars I have displayed slides with information that showed Henry Kaye in a most unfavourable light. I have urged consumers to avoid him. My message has never varied – Stay away from Henry Kaye.
For months, I have given many interviews to the media. In every interview I have made disparaging remarks about Henry Kaye. I have also supplied journalists with material about Kaye’s activities. Some of my colleagues have assisted journalists with research into Kaye and his companies. All this was done at my direction. I accept responsibility.
Although I have been aware of Henry Kaye since he first began to present seminars to consumers more than three years ago, it is only this year that I have gone public with my comments. I did this because I believed I had enough evidence to prove that my comments were correct and in the best interests of honest consumers.
However, I now believe I made a mistake. I should have spoken out earlier.
Had I done so, even without the evidence I now possess, thousands of decent people would have been saved from losing millions of dollars to Henry Kaye and his companies.
I have decided to make this statement following an e-mail from a distressed consumer. It read as follows – “If you were saying what you are saying now two years ago, I would never have signed up with Henry. Please, Neil, keep up the pressure on Henry and all like him.”
Although The National Investment Institute has now been placed in receivership, there are many more ‘Henry Kayes’ still preying on consumers.
I deeply regret not saying more about Henry Kaye and not saying it sooner. I am sorry. I will try not to make the same mistake again.
Neil Jenman. November 26, 2003.