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  1. Hinayni
    November 21, 2024 @ 12:17 pm

    Neil there is no privacy in the legal profession either. I have had my phone number read out publicly in court against a man who assaulted me and enjoyed taking photos with his zoom camera through my windows and into my property and this man was in partnership with the local police in illegal activities


  2. T. Johnston
    November 21, 2024 @ 2:52 pm

    Thank you so much Neil for this article on protecting our privacy.

    It is so good to read your opinion on such an important aspect of our lives. You have given me the confidence to be adamant that this is the right way to live, the right way to sell. I’ve always wondered “why do I feel so strongly that it is wrong of me for not wanting to expose my home, my life, my everything to complete strangers?”

    Again, thank you , thank you. If and when I sell my home, I will seek you out to guide me wisely and safely through the process.

    Sincerely yours with huge gratitude,
    T. Johnston


  3. Margot McLaughlin
    November 21, 2024 @ 3:36 pm

    Thanks Neil, another excellent article.

    When I was interviewing agents for the role of representing my husband and me in the sale of our home (before I came to you for your recommendation), too many of them disclosed personal information about sellers they had represented, with the supposed purpose of convincing us to choose them. E.g., one seemed to be proud of the fact that they’d managed to make a quick sale by talking the vendor down in price, as they were “elderly, with mild dementia”, and “they’d have been happy no matter what”, the implication being that we’d be happy with a quick sale too, no matter the price (both financial and personal). That agent went on to reveal the seller’s address, so we could look at it online ourselves and see what a great job they’d done!

    Later, when looking at potential places to buy, it was to easy to winkle information out of agents about their clients. In fact, they usually volunteered the information themselves, without us even asking! Things like their family situation, their medical conditions, the fact they needed a quick sale. And, of course, the “I’m sure if you were to offer X amount, I could persuade them to accept”.



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