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  1. steve
    June 25, 2020 @ 3:07 pm

    Our ex neighbour is a classic example of this. We live in regional VIC in a small town with 1 and two acre blocks. She wanted to sell and was delusional about the price. She actually got an offer early in the piece which she refused as low ball “I’m not giving it away” style.

    Agents came and went when they couldnt meet her expectations. She did come down in price quite a ways over time and eventually she found a buyer who used to holiday here, and she felt she had “won” because she got more than the first offer.

    The punch line is that the above process dragged on for ten (yes 10) years. I dont think she understood the time value of money or the cost of putting your life on hold for 10 years when you want to be somewhere else. People are strange.


  2. JAMES
    August 11, 2020 @ 9:58 am

    I have my villa for sale in a regional town.. I let the agent handling the sale appraise the price that the property was worth and it became the marketing price. Agents from his office also inspected the property and agreed with the selling price.
    Being strata and a two lot scheme buyers seem to be wary because of the annual levies and the unknown quality of the neighbour. My response to the agent is how do you know the quality of next door neighbours when buying torrens title and not having a savings programme to deal with repairs and maintenance when necessary.
    What are your comments and suggestions for getting a buyer over the line?


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