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  1. Lex
    June 22, 2023 @ 9:26 am

    Richard Hayden is still a decent honest man, who’s made some mistakes, but nothing more, than the many made to him. I trust you visit him in jail, Neil, and remain a good friend. A good friend will add value to his life. That will help him thru this bloody difficult time.


  2. Mark Peters
    June 22, 2023 @ 9:54 am

    Thanks for sharing Neil. Richard sounds like a really good guy. It’s sad to see how it ended for him.


    • Neil Jenman
      June 22, 2023 @ 10:53 am

      Thank you very much for your comment, Mark. It’s much appreciated. Rgds, Neil


  3. Deborah Ravida
    June 22, 2023 @ 9:55 am

    Thank you Neil, for sharing the truth.
    Hayden Real Estate has always been an Agency I have had a lot of respect for and I wish Richard nothing but the best moving forward.
    Kind regards
    Debbie Ravida


    • Neil Jenman
      June 22, 2023 @ 10:59 am

      Dear Deborah, Thank you for your lovely words. I don’t mind admitting that writing this article scared me. I thought deeply about it for a week and took hours to compose it. Lisa was indeed my best friend (after my wife) and she would have been shattered. Indeed, the shock may have killed her. I often wonder if the authorities “held off” on Richard until Lisa passed away. Although I often feel very upset at the selfishness in our world today, I am so often surprised at the immense kindness I discover. Such as what has emanated from you. Your reply and several others have made my eyes moist today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to share such good thoughts. I will never forget you and all those who are writing to me in such kind tones.
      Best wishes to you and yours, Neil


  4. Bradley
    June 22, 2023 @ 10:09 am

    Neil, what a decent respectable account of Richards journey – the honest and vulnerable approach to the events and the people involved. There are many lessons and a human soul delivered here, thank you for sharing.


  5. Lex
    June 22, 2023 @ 10:20 am

    Hi Neil, I am very moved by your info. regarding a good man. Please write / visit him as often as possible as I’m sure it will mean a massive amount to him. Giving him strength in a terrible situation. My name was falsely tarnished in a very bitter Divorce. Its had a profound effect on me, in small town. A few friends make my life worthwhile. You can really help him, just being with him via freq. letters or visits Sir.


  6. Steven Britnell
    June 22, 2023 @ 10:34 am

    Neil, thanks for the article about Richard, I meet him once when I thought I would like to become a real estate agent in 2018, he was a gentleman and gave me your books to read about the Jenman way and would of been happy to take me on. He face did look to be sad and concerned in the interview. I decided to continue my career in the emergency services instead as I didn’t really like sales deep in my heart. I am so sad about the events of his life and his imprisonment which seems harsh when compared to the many people who steal for pokie machine habits or drugs. Please pass on my best wishes to him and tell him there are many of us who understand his circumstances and don’t blame him at all. Sometimes life is just so cruel and harsh on the most kind of us and as an ex financial planner in a former life I would still trust Richard over anyone in that industry (not my cup of tea at all). Take care, I hope brighter days come to Richard and his family. Kind Regards Steven


  7. Garry Summers
    June 22, 2023 @ 4:04 pm

    Hi Niel, I have followed you since that bloody Henry Kaye was ripping everyone
    off. What you had written was of great benefit to me, and we finished up
    loosing a small amount which paid my education I suppose you could call it.
    This Hayden story struck a cord with me. I did a 3 1/2 yr TAFE course in
    Bathurst with the intention of becoming a Licensee. I enjoyed the course
    and learned a lot, but when I was ready I felt real estate is not for me and
    never followed it up. May be it was the gossip I heard at the classes, who
    knows. But Richards story prompted me to write you this note, and say
    thank you for sharing.
    Kind Regards, Garry Summers


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