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  1. Jason Smith
    December 8, 2020 @ 4:05 pm

    Hi Neil and team,
    You seem to suggest here, by inference, that it is however okay to pay for the advertising after the home sells. Correct me if I am wrong. I would have thought that paying for ads (leads) to generate sales should always be the agents’ responsibility. Otherwise the entire commission becomes gross profit. I know of no other business in which the fee is 100% profit. When we sold our home at Castle Hill a few years ago we used a Jenman agent. We were not charged a cent for advertising. So what are your thoughts/feelings about vendors paying for advertising after the sale?
    Thanks for your response.


    • Garth
      December 10, 2020 @ 9:10 am

      100% Profit – to quote John McEnroe, You cannot be Serious! Shows you know nothing about running a real estate office. Office Lease, ongoing expenses, staff wages etc etc, last time I checked it cost $12,000.00 per month per sales person up to 6 sales people to run and manage a professional real estate office.


  2. Maurie
    December 9, 2020 @ 6:33 am

    Thanks for your article. What I want to know is why Australian Governments are not addressing this issue? After all aren’t they, (the Govt.), supposed to be using their legislation to protect the community.


  3. Chris
    February 9, 2021 @ 10:16 am

    Dear Jenman group,
    Thank you for putting out there the deception & despicable rorts the real estate industry has been foisting upon poor clients forever. We, your readers, appreciate your candid, clear explanations & candidacy of what we have been questioning for many decades (in my case). It is always a delight to read your helpful writings & hoping that the ridiculous imbalance is rectified eventually through regulation to help everyone. I am often saddened by friends decisions regarding agents rorts & several have been financially destroyed as a result of unscrupulous agents threats, bullying & fictional statements. My poor neighbours house was undersold by 1 million dollars! Most disappointing.
    Thanks again for your superlative articles.


  4. Gerald
    September 9, 2022 @ 3:18 pm

    Thanks for the great advice


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